Hi, i made this blog just for fun, i won't press you to follow my blog or read my blog everyday. I just need a place to write down my feelings. So, if you just pass by my blog, read it or leave it....
And for everyone who still wants to read my blog, i would like to introduce my self. My name's Nurfajri Dienaguna (if you think it's too long you can call me Dien). I'm a middle schooler at Kediri 1 Junior High School (just call it SMPN 1 Kediri). I was born in Kediri on 8
th December, 1996.
Hmm, what else ?
My hobby ? My hobbies are listening music, browsing in the internet, etc...
My appearance ? Okay, i'm not beautiful (ugly, i think), i'm 1,6m tall n 49kg weight (quiet fat), umm just meet me, and u'll know
My characteristic ? umm, i'm talkative, fun, moody, cheerful, humorous, (lil bit) boyish, creative, sensitive, etc...
Umm, u can meet me at
yahoo massanger
imvu :: xxdiienxx
koprol ::@diien
phone number ?? no need necessary